Helloooo Friends!

Today I am going to share a few of my absolute FAVOURITE affiliate programs with you. Some of you may know that I also have an interior design and DIY blog as well as this one, and my favourite way to monetise that blog is through affiliate programs! I am always talking about cool DIY projects and home accessories, so it makes sense to use affiliate links when I recommend a product- it’s a win-win right?!

(This post may contain affiliate links- see my disclosure for more information)

The Amazon Affiliate Program

I. LOVE. AMAZON. I pretty much buy everything from amazon now, because I know it’s fast, reliable and has a great returns policy. This is why EVERYONE trusts amazon! Their affiliate program is great, because not only do you get a percentage of the sale of the product you link to, but you also get a percentage of whatever else is in their basket! This can be a huge win, especially around Christmas time when people are likely to have a full basket anyway! This program suits most bloggers, anyone who talks about real world products such as health and fitness, fashion, home decor, technology and more…

If you want to go deeper into this I can highly recommend  the e-book ‘How to make money with Amazon Affiliates’ by Carolina King, great if you’re just getting started!

AWIN (Formerly Affiliate Window)

Another fab affiliate program for bloggers of all industries! AWIN is a facilitator for lots of companies affiliate programs. This means all you have to do is choose the programs you want to join, add the AWIN ‘Convert a link’ plugin to your blog, and any products you link to will automatically be converted to affiliate links. Easy peasy. I love this one for home decor products, but they have pretty much everything from holidays, to fashion and beauty to insurance- definitely something for everyone.

Creative Market

I discovered creative market when I was looking for a wordpress theme for my blog. Its fantastic! It’s basically like etsy, but just for digital products. As a blogger, digital products are ideal to reccomend to other people in the online space. They have thousands of gorgeous themes, fonts, textures, stock photos and clipart available, and affiliates will make 10% of every purchase a buyer makes for a WHOLE YEAR after their initial purchase!


Skimlinks is very similar to AWIN, apart from that fact that once you are signed up with skim links, you are a member of ALL of their affiliate programs! This makes life so easy, as you can basically link to most well known online shops and they are quite likely to be with skimlinks, so its an easy win!


Shareasale is great for both physical and digital products, with over 4000 merchants available to work with. The companies shareasale work with range all the way from dating sites, to clothing and even cars! They are one of the most well known and trusted affiliate programs to join.

Are you a member of any affiliate programs already? Let me know your favourites in the comments below!

Emily xox

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