If you’re looking to start growing your email list, then having a high quality lead magnet is an absolute must. Gone are the days when people would just sign up to any old email list. Inbox space is precious now, so you really need to give people a good reason to want to hear from you! The best way to get someone to sign up to your list, is to have a ‘lead magnet’ to give them as a freebie.  You might have a few lead magnet ideas already, but putting them together in an easily digestible format is an absolute must.

What Is a Lead Magnet?

A Lead magnet is a freebie that you give someone in exchange for their email address or personal details. Ok, it’s basically a bribe! The Lead Magnet could be anything, from a free sample of a product, a free drink in a bar, or an ebook that provides the user with valuable information.  Your potential lead will be browsing through your website, and see your irresistible little gem of a lead magnet, and won’t be able to resist downloading it to find out more. To download the lead magnet the user will usually have to enter their email address, and then will either be redirected to a download page, or sent the lead magnet by email.

 9 Examples of Great Lead Magnets

I am SUCH a sucker for a good lead magnet! A good lead magnet will have an intriguing introduction, and will be on a something that the reader will obviously be interested in. Here are a few examples for you…

Free ebook

This is a hugely popular option, and can be great for any industry! For food bloggers, a small recipe book can be a great lead magnet idea. Alternatively a guide book on how to do something will always be very popular, as it will be solving your ideal customers problem. For example- How to build an online business, or how to lose weight!


If you are teaching something in a blog post, for example a DIY project, it’s a great idea to create a downloadable checklist that your reader can print off and keep. Maybe instructions or a shopping list for the project.

Free Trial of a product

This is a really popular lead magnet idea, especially with software companies. Programs such as freshbooks accounting and SEM rush all offer a free trial. Once you have signed up with your email address they can nurture you through their sales funnel with the hopes that you will eventually purchase their product


I have seen this a lot with interior designers, quiz’s such as ‘Find your design personality’ have been very popular- everyone loves a quiz, right?


This is the number one choice for commerce stores, how often have you seen a pop up offering you a discount   when you sign up to their mailing list?

Free product

This is a great option for bars, restaurants and cafes. A Free coffee when you fill in a feedback card, a free drink voucher for the new bar opening down the street- all very clever ways to get in someones inbox!

Free Tickets to an event or webinar

Lots of companies put on free events to get leads for their business! This is actually an amazing idea. Think about it- people will only come to the free event or webinar, if they are interested in your product or industry, and once you have them there at the event, you can continue the selling process to a whole room (or webinar) of warm leads!


Hosting a competition or giveaway featuring a product that will be valuable to your target audience is a great way to collect emails. If you are a beauty blogger for example, you would want to attract readers who are interested in makeup and beauty, so a voucher for a fancy make up store would be a great option to entice them to sign up.

Swipe File

A swipe file is a collection of files that someone can edit and use as their own, such as sales funnels, email templates, social media image templates, or Facebook ads templates. Basically anything that will save time and make your target customers life easier!


So there you have it! Do you have a lead magnet on your website or blog? How do you collect emails from your readers? Let me know in the comments below!

Emily xox

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