One of the number one questions I am asked, is how to get more blog readers. It’s the question on the tip of every new bloggers tongue, right? There are so many new bloggers, who think that if they fill their blog with as much content as possible, readers will find them and follow them. Unfortunately due to the sheer amount of blogs online at the moment, you have to work hard to be found. Here are a few reasons why your blog might be getting lost out there, and some things you can do to fix that.

Your Headlines Are Not Enticing

When someone is skimming through your blog, the headlines are the first thing they will see. If the headline doesn’t sound interesting, they probably won’t even bother to start reading the post. That is why headlines are SO important! Have a look at the headlines by some of your favourite bloggers, what caught your attention and made you want to read? Some of the best headlines will be solving a problems such as ‘How To Bake The Perfect Cookies’. List posts with numbers are also very good, such as ‘ 6 Ways To Sleep Better Every Night’, or even ‘How To Get More Blog Readers’, See what I mean? I like to use this free headline analyser by CoSchedule.

Your Content Is Not Useful

People search online for information and entertainment. If your content is not solving a problem for someone  by providing useful information,  or entertaining them, they won’t stick around. You don’t have to please everyone, but your content should be useful or entertaining to your target audience. Writing about your non eventful day will not be useful to the general public, however, writing about a common problem you came across and how you fixed it might be useful to more people.

Your Content Is Difficult To Read

Huge paragraphs are hard to read, so try to stick to smaller paragraphs of text. Use sub headings whenever possible to help the reader to scan your post. This way they can find the information they are looking for if they are in a rush.

If you use wordpress it’s worth installing a plugin called ‘Yoast SEO’. This will show at the bottom of your blog posts as you are writing them, and give you tips on how to make your content more reader friendly.

You Don’t Have A Focus or Niche

If you don’t have a specific niche, it’s less likely your readers will return after their first visit. If you focus on one topic, people will know to go to your blog for information on that subject. Obviously it doesn’t hurt to cover more than one topic, other than your main topic, but try not to be TOO broad.

Your Blog Is Not Beautiful

Sometimes when I visit a blog via google I will immediately click away. There are some REALLY ugly blogs out there. Anything that will strain the readers eyes is a definite no-no. Believe it or not, there are still blogs out there with white text on a black background, which is a one way ticket to headache city. No thanks! Some good rules of thumb are:

  • Use black or dark grey text on a white background
  • Use a plain font that is easy to read
  • Choose a theme you love
  • Make sure you have good quality photography

Your Blog Is full of Adverts and Pop-ups

Pop ups. UGH. Is there anything more intrusive than a giant form blocking your view when you’re trying to read a blog post? If you want to have a sign up form for your mailing list, consider having a static form in the side bar or as a banner. Even better- offer a content upgrade or freebie as an incentive to sign up to your mailing list, such as a downloadable checklist at the end of a blog post.

Adverts- Obviously ad’s can be a good way to make money, but think carefully about the amount of ads you use and their placement. You don’t want them to take anything away from the aesthetics of your blog.

Your Blog Is Not Mobile Responsive

So many people have smart phones now, so there is a very high change that they will find your blog via social media on their phone. It’s important to make sure your blog theme is mobile responsive and easy for someone to read on their phone without having to zoom in or out.

You Are Not Promoting Your Blog On Social Media

EVERYONE (well almost everyone) is on social media now, so if you want to grow your readership then social media is definitely one of the best ways. You don’t need to be active on ALL social platforms, but picking 3 of your favourites and investing some time in them is definitely worth it. Facebook targeted advertising is also a great way to get more blog readers and get your products seen.

You Are Not Blogging Consistently

You can’t just blog once a month and expect your blog to be seen by thousands! To get more blog readers, I would personally recommend once a week at least. Find a rough schedule that you are comfortable and try to stick to it, this way your readers will know what to expect and when to come back for more!


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